パロアルト市議会議員のグレッグタナカによって設立された8by8は、選挙人の投票率が国内で最も低いアジア/ AAPIコミュニティで投票者登録を増やすことにより、#StopAsianHateへの運動とキャンペーンを行っています。
2020年には、反アジアおよび反AAPIのヘイトクライムが前例のない150%急増しました。この傾向は、2021年まで続いています。これは、国と地域の両方の問題です。ベイエリアだけでも700を超えています。パンデミック中のそのようなヘイトクライム-1日あたり2以上の割合。 この問題を解決するための道は、アジア系アメリカ人コミュニティの代表のギャップを埋めることから始まると私たちは信じています。アジア系アメリカ人の出稼ぎ率は歴史的に50%未満にとどまっており、アジア系アメリカ人は人口の6%を占めていますが、議会の3%だけがアジアまたはAAPIです。

photo credit: Jim Colton
Who we are
8by8 focuses on technology-driven solutions, tailored to the specific needs of our Asian American communities, to bridge the political participation gap among Asian Americans.
8by8 Challenge
A social and technology solution that creates positive, community-building incentivization to register to vote, rewarding users for advocating to their friends while driving traffic to local businesses.
8by8 Network
A community solution that fosters collaboration between our diverse Asian American activism groups, to support each other through cross-promotion and build joint initiatives.

Visit our partner 1 Thing Against Racism

8by8は、ベイエリアおよび全国の献身的なボランティアによって運営されています。 #StopAsianHate運動への情熱を共有し、有権者登録の重要性を信じる人々を常に探しています。友達が私たちに参加することに興味を持っているなら、私たちのボランティアページをチェックしてください。
Our Core Values
Commitment to Political Participation
8by8 is committed to encouraging political participation at all levels, beginning with voter registration and political awareness. By developing technology-driven solutions we will harness the passion, creativity, and ingenuity of our community to make impactful social change. 8by8 also seeks to build community involvement through analogue efforts, such as virtual and in-person rallies, panels, and other events. To accomplish these goals, 8by8 prioritizes the building of consensus and relationships with other groups and stakeholders, pooling resources and launching joint ventures to amplify our impact.
Building the Next Gen AAPI Leaders
8by8 is dedicated to the mentorship and growth of our volunteers, as future leaders and change-makers in our AAPI communities. All volunteers will be encouraged to learn new, valuable skills in their area of choice, and work with industry mentors who will help prepare them for future success. Taking initiative is a central part of 8by8's work culture, thus a variety of micro-leadership opportunities are available to interested volunteers, as well as more significant leadership roles for any with the time and dedication to pursue them. Our goal is to prepare volunteers to pursue leadership opportunities later in life, whether that be in a political or professional capacity.
Open-Source Culture
8by8's work culture and ethic is built around transparency, accountability, and clear, measurable results. As such, materials will be made publicly available to the team whenever possible, and collaboration between teams will be strongly encouraged, both officially and unofficially. All volunteers will have clearly defined roles and obligations, and will participate in an active culture of accountability and responsibility. On a broader level, 8by8 will maintain defined, reasonable targets and goals, allowing both internal and external actors to easily measure our progress.