On Sunday, May 2nd, we held our first ever march + rally in downtown PA, California, with over 350 people in attendance!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended 8by8's first #StopAsianHate rally in downtown Palo Alto last Sunday (May 2nd) - your energy and activism helped make the event a great success! We've prepared a short summary of the rally below so that you can see the impact you created.
Hundreds from across the Bay Area attended our rally, joining us in a march through Palo Alto to City Hall
We heard from guest speakers like State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Co-Founder of Old Navy Jenny Ming, and Survivor winner and Google executive Yul Kwon
1000 We Belong yellow whistles were given out to participants, along with other #StopAsianHate items from our partner organizations
With the help of local restaurants like Hobee's, Kirk's Steakburgers, and Asianbox, we were able to provide hundreds of free meals + items for our attendees
We launched the #8by8 challenge, encouraging attendees to register 8 people to vote in 8 days
We also made the news here: https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/video/5545551-palo-alto-city-leaders-organize-stop-asian-hate-march-rally/
And took some really great photos that you can see here: https://lightroom.adobe.com/shares/e89eaac7449c4a028f1954373495bad2/albums/1ecc9c5252e3c4960cfd2e575bbe4224/assets/af4de3f81168d50b9149de46b43b5cf7
If you have a few moments, we'd really appreciate it if you could complete this short survey to tell us more about your rally experience: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVK8ZNFJPLbxezn4bw9NthwiVc1LSJ5eqqnGMn4JInUTitbA/viewform
Thank you again for your support for voter registration, and your dedication to help us #StopAsianHate. We couldn't have done this event without you, and we look forward to seeing you in the future!